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    Silk Road Development Weekly – July 29, 2019

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion Outsourcing Appears To Be China’s Workaround For US Tariffs (Voice of America) China’s Risky Bets (Eurasia Review) Why Unsustainable Chinese Infrastructure Deals Are A Two-Way Street (Carnegie-Tsinghua Center) China’s Belt & Road Ports Raise Red Flags Over Military Plans (Asia Nikkei) Belt & Road Is Here To Stay[…..]

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    Britain’s New PM Boris Johnson Praises The Belt & Road Initiative – Could An EU Exit Mean A UK BRI Deal?

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis What Are The UK’s Trade Options As Regards China, ASEAN, India & The Central Asian Belt & Road? The new British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has stated that “We are very enthusiastic about the Belt & Road Initiative, very interested in what President Xi is doing.” in an interview with Hong[…..]

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    How Chinese Contractors are Winning EU Infrastructure Projects

    Although most EU infrastructure projects are undertaken by EU-based contractors, a small but increasing number of big projects have been won by Chinese contractors.

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    Silk Road Development Weekly – July 22, 2019

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion Most Countries Don’t Know How Much They Owe China — And It’s A Lot (The Print) China’s Got the World by the Throat (Bloomberg) The Increasing Security Focus in China’s Arctic Policy (The Arctic Institute) China’s Digital Silk Road Could Decide the US-China Competition (The Diplomat) China Clothing[…..]

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    How To Obtain Tax Incentives & Funding For Belt & Road Project Contracts

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Tax Reductions & Financing Await For Belt & Road Investors – If You Know Where To Look And Who To Ask China’s Belt and Road Initiative now includes over 125 countries, making the task of analyzing available tax incentives along the routes somewhat complex. By definition, this means referring to the[…..]

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    The Belt & Road’s Trans-Himalayan Economic Corridor

    Connecting China With Nepal and India May Be A Step Too Far For Delhi Even As Land & Talent Go To Waste Although India is not officially part of China’s Belt & Road Initiative, it is involved. The Trans-Himalayan Economic Corridor is a Belt & Road project that connects China with Nepal and India, although[…..]

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    What is India’s “IDEAS” Belt & Road Alternative Project?

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Bringing the proposed Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Corridor and the BIMSTEC Nations into Focus India’s recently announced “IDEAS” plan to act as a counter to China’s Belt & Road Initiative has its roots in an announcement in March 2018 by the Indian Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharamen that the Indian Government would provide more resources[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly – July 15, 2019

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion Navigating The Belt & Road Initiative (Asia Society) China’s Belt & Road Initiative – Status Report (Lowy Institute) The Belt & Road Initiative: Towards A New World Order (Modern Diplomacy) China’s Belt & Road Initiative: From The Inside Looking Out (Lowy Institute) The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: A Vehicle[…..]

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    Global Warming and its Impact on the Belt and Road

    Changes due to global warming will usher in new technologies to deal with altered regional landscapes, with implications for the Belt and Road Initiative, participating countries, and China’s infrastructure investments.

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    Who is Financing the New Economic Silk Road?

    This article identifies the larger multilateral, bilateral, and national players funding BRI projects, and provides an overview of how Chinese and other national domestic financial houses are becoming involved.

Showing 10 of 1452 articles