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    China’s Belt & Road Initiative In The Middle East

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis China’s involvement with the Middle East – including the countries of Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, the UAE and Yemen comprises a huge and diverse area split across continental lines, religions, and trade blocs. All have signed MoU with China’s[…..]

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    Belt & Road Initiative: India

    Op/Ed By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Is India Part Of China’s Belt & Road? Diplomatically, No. Practically, Yes. Last updated May 18 2020. The recent news that India, at the recent Shanghai Co-Operation Organization meeting had “downplayed” China’s Belt & Road Initiative and refused to sign a Belt & Road MoU is nothing especially new. The disputes[…..]

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    Audio: US Senate Committee On Finance & Trade Debate China’s Belt & Road Initiative

    Op/Ed By Chris Devonshire-Ellis The US Senate Committee on Finance and Sub-Committee on Trade have held a debate concerning China’s Belt & Road Initiative and issues related to “Finance, International Trade, Customs, and Global Competitiveness.” The discussion was held at the Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington on June 12th, and commences with the following words:[…..]

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    Iran Launches Gold Backed Cryptocurrency “Covenant”

    Iran, one of China’s Belt & Road partners but subject to sanctions after the United States pulled out of the Nuclear deal framework, has just launched its own cryptocurrency to try and get around sanctions. It is currently unable to access international payment networks such as SWIFT to enable it to trade. This has limited[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly – June 17, 2019

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion China Belts Up For The Road To Internationalization (Times Higher Education) The BRI Shows China’s Emergence As A Global Economic Power (Deloittes) Xi, Putin, International Institutions Begin Pushback Against US Trade Impositions (China Briefing) Are Russia & China Revisionist States? (Asia Dialogue) BRI: One Initiative, Multiple Perceptions (Daily[…..]

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    Best Practice & Negotiating Issues When Handling China’s Belt & Road Initiative Projects

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Policies to adopt when investing in BRI projects The Asia Society Policy Institute have just released a white paper entitled “Navigating The Belt & Road Initiative” written by Daniel Russel and Blake Burger. In it, they make twelve recommendations as concerns the preparations needed to negotiate projects as part of the[…..]

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    “Great Eurasian Partnership” Back On Track As Putin And Xi Commit

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Belt & Road Initiative To Be Linked With Eurasian Economic Union Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Friday, both Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Putin stated they were committed to the concept of building the “Great Eurasian Partnership”. That took the form of President Xi[…..]

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    At SPIEF 2019 – Who Was The Senior Figure – Putin Or Xi – Or Trump?

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis With this years St.Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) bringing together arguably the second and third most powerful men on the planet, and the future of the Eurasian continent being discussed, what was the comraderie and attitude between the Chinese President Xi and Russian President Putin like? And which of the two[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly – June 10, 2019

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion Belt & Road Review: A Chinese World Order (Wall Street Journal) Five Myths About China’s Belt & Road Initiative (Washington Post) Belt & Road Quarterly Q2 2019 (Economist Intelligence Unit) The Belt & Road Initiative Spreads (Liberty) Making Sense Of Five Years Of China’s Belt & Road Initiative[…..]

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    China’s Belt & Road Initiative & The United Kingdom

    Belt & Road Projects Could Be Via The Commonwealth of Nations Where UK-China Interests Overlap The Formation Of A Commonwealth-China Development Bank One Way To Assist China & Access Projects  Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis  The UK has not signed up to China’s Belt & Road Initiative, although the current British Chancellor, Phillip Hammond, did visit[…..]

Showing 10 of 1452 articles