Fourth Annual Ministerial Conference Of Afghanistan’s Neighbors Begins On April 13th

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The 4th ministerial conference of countries neighboring Afghanistan (Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) is taking place on April 13 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

The meeting participants plan to discuss “further steps of regional partners to promote an Afghan political settlement and stabilization of the humanitarian and socioeconomic situation in that country,” according to the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“Taking into account the complicated security situation, growing terrorist activity, and narcotic drug production in Afghanistan, coordination of counterterrorist and anti-narcotic efforts of the countries of the region is particularly essential,” it said.

Special attention “will be paid to the dynamics of the development of regional economic integration and the implementation of transport and energy projects involving Kabul in keeping with agreements reached earlier,” it said.

Keeping peace and attempting to secure Afghanistan and eventually reconstruct the country following 20 years of US war and occupation is a priority, especially in the battle against Islamic extremism and for China, the protection of Xinjiang Province.

Updates on the results of the conference will be provided here next week. To subscribe to Silk Road Briefing please click here.

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