Kazakhstan, China, Discussing Visa-Free Access

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Kazakhstan and China are discussing the possibility of introducing a visa-free regime, with the signing of a relevant agreement already scheduled for May 18-19 in Xi’an.

The deal will allow Kazakh passport holders the ability to visit China without a visa for personal and business purposes, as well as for tourists, travellers receiving medical treatment, and international transportation needs. The agreement covers single, multiple entry, exit, and temporary stays, and for Chinese passpots holders heading to Kazakhstan.

The terms are to be visa free for 30 consecutive calendar days, and for 90 days within any 180 day period. Should respective citizens wish to stay longer in Kazakhstan or China, then it becomes necessary to apply for the appropriate visa before entering.

The document is under discussion at the Open NLA until April 19, 2023.

Source: Ekaterina Zhuravleva for LS

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