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Showing 10 of 1452 articles
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    Russia Invites Albania, North Macedonia To Join Eurasian Economic Union

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis  Eurasian Economic Union Competing With European Union For Members   Ten days ago, in the article A Comparison Of Countries In The Eurasian Economic Union With Those Who Aren’t I mentioned that both Albania and North Macedonia had been rebuffed by the European Union as regards their proposed membership negotiations.

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    China’s Overseas Free Trade Zones & Industrial Parks

    China tax incentives are being exported across Eurasia and Africa Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis A little-noticed aspect of China’s Belt and Road Initiative has been the trend of Chinese companies to export their own Free Trade and Special Economic Zones in order to stimulate production overseas. China’s development of the various types of Free Trade[…..]

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    Kazakhstan Opens Worlds First Nuclear Fuel Bank

    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) took delivery of a shipment of low enriched uranium (LEU) at a purpose-built facility in Kazakhstan today, officially establishing the IAEA LEU Bank aimed at providing assurance to countries about the availability of nuclear fuel. Owned by the IAEA and hosted by Kazakhstan, the IAEA LEU Bank is one[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly – October 28, 2019

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion The Asia Society “Navigating The Belt & Road” Report (Silk Road Briefing) Newt Gingrich – China Threat Is Real (Fox News) Who Dares Wins? (BBC)

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    The Asia Society “Navigating The Belt And Road” Report

    The Asia Society Policy Initiative has just published its report on China’s Belt & Road Initiative. Written by Daniel R. Russel and Blake Berger,  the report commences with the following introduction:

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    Negotiating China Belt And Road Project Contracts

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Joint ventures by their very nature are intensely idiosyncratic creatures, differing so much depending on circumstances that the area of contractual negotiations is really best dealt with professionally on a case by case basis. They also attract a great deal of opinion; however often this is simply put, and relates to[…..]

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    Trump Targets Belt And Road Initiative With US$60 Billion International Finance Development Corporation.

    The United States has made moves to counter China’s Belt & Road Initiative by approving a huge expansion of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) into a new agency, the International Finance Development Corporation (IDFC), that can co-invest some US$60 billion with US and non-US private-sector companies in the same markets targeted by China’s BRI[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly – October 21, 2019

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion A Comparison Between Countries Not In China’s Belt & Road Initiative With Those Who Are (Silk Road Briefing) China’s Worldwide Investment Project Is A Push For More Power (UPI) Six Years Later: The Real Threats Of The Belt & Road Initiative (Diplomatic Courier) China’s Belt & Road Is[…..]

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    A Comparison Between Countries & Territories Not In China’s Belt And Road Initiative With Those Who Are

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Overall Wealth Remains In The West But Future Manufacturing Competitiveness Is Along The Belt And Road Much of the West’s media attention concerning China’s Belt & Road Initiative is either negative, or about yet another country joining the scheme. Little has been said about the countries and self-governing territories that have[…..]

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    Chinese Belt And Road Lobbying In The European Union

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis China’s growth since 1992, when I first began working in the country has of course been remarkable. Most commented on are the changes in infrastructure, and especially the building boom – back in 1992 one of the tallest buildings in Shanghai was the Art Deco Park Hotel just off the old Racecourse,[…..]

Showing 10 of 1452 articles