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Showing 10 of 1452 articles
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    Russia And China Encircle Eurasia By Adding The Northern Sea Passage To China’s Maritime Belt & Road

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis  Russia’s President Putin has suggested linking Russia’s Northern Sea Passage to China’s Maritime Belt & Road. The proposal, which was made at the 2nd Belt & Road Forum in Beijing last week, will reduce the shipping time and costs for Chinese goods to reach Europe by some two weeks, a huge[…..]

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    The 2019 Belt & Road Forum: What Xi Jinping Actually Said In Terms Of Belt & Road Development & China Market Access

    Chinese statements of intent can be misinterpreted by the West. Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis China’s President Xi Jinping made a number of interesting statements in his speech at the 2nd Belt & Road Forum in Beijing, which concluded on Saturday. As is usual for Chinese politicians, a lot of what was said was covered with[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly – April 29, 2019

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion Connectivity Key To Belt & Road Initiative (CGTN) One Belt One Road, China’s Grand Take On Economic Globalization (telesurenglish) Belt & Road A Platform For China To Assume More Influence And Contribute More To Global System (Straits Times) China’s Belt & Road Debate (The Diplomat) China’s Billion Dollar[…..]

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    Greece Joins China & Central Eastern Europe Cooperation Forum

    Greece has joined the Beijing backed Co-operation Between China and Central and Eastern Europe Countries (CEEC). Previously also referred to as the 16+1 the forum includes China in addition to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Greece’s membership was[…..]

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    Are Facebook’s Algorithms Up To The Task In Developing Asia?

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis The recent decision by the Sri Lankan authorities to block Facebook and other social media in the light of last week’s terrorist attacks has far wider implications both for Facebook, social media and AI as a whole than just a temporary suspension in a relatively small market. The suspension of Facebook[…..]

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    Switzerland To Sign Off On China’s Belt & Road Initiative

    Switzerland is set to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with China concerning mutual developments with China’s Belt & Road Initiative. The signing is expected to take place on April 28th during the state visit to China by Swiss President Ueli Maurer, who will be accompanied by a Swiss delegation of finance and business executives. Maurer[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly – April 23, 2019

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion Seeing what you want in Belt and Road (The Interpreter) China’s Belt and Road Is Getting a Reboot to Clean Up Its Image (Bloomberg) Can China Deliver a Better Belt and Road? (Foreign Policy) Xi should bet on technology not Belt and Road (Nikkei Asian Review) Japan’s Silent[…..]

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    The Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railroad: Peace & Prosperity Through The Revival Of The Silk Roads

    By Dr. Reza Yeganehshakib In late 2013, the President of China unveiled his plan to revitalize the ancient Silk Road trade route. This plan includes a land-based Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) as well as a maritime Silk Road (MSR) that together are known as the One Belt and One Road (OBOR) Initiative. However, China[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly – April 15, 2019

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion Big Project: BRI Road Transport Expected To More Than Double (CGTN) Over 80% Of PRC Textile Investment Abroad In BRI Region (Fibre2Fashion) BRI Paves Way For Internationalisation Of Chinese Universities (CGTN) China’s ”Silk Road Urbanism” Is Changing Cities From London To Kampala (City Metric) Will China Undermine Its[…..]

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    Chinese Use Of Lobbyists To Win Belt & Road Influence And EU Construction Contracts

    Op/Ed By Chris Devonshire-Ellis We have commented on the use by China of lobbyists working on its behalf to gain influence and an upper hand when choosing to research, target and bid for contracts involving the EU and other trade blocs in the past. The article ‘How Chinese Contractors Are Winning EU Infrastructure Projects’ has[…..]

Showing 10 of 1452 articles