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Showing 10 of 1452 articles
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    China Faces OBOR Criticism Following The Belt & Road Forum

    There has been some fall-out following China’s Belt-Road Forum last week, with concerns being made both by various institutional bodies and political media over a number of issues concerning China’s intentions. While the Chinese state media have naturally talked the forum up, comments from other sources have not been so kind. Concerns are broadly split[…..]

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    Azerbaijani Banking Crisis Threatens To Spill Into Caucasus, EU & Central Asia

    The The International Bank of Azerbaijan (IBA) has defaulted on scheduled repayment loans and declared that it needs to restructure its debts. This has been followed by an immediate downgrading of IBA debt to Caa3, meaning the debt is now classed as “extremely risky”. Creditors are expected to have to take a 20% haircut, and[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly

    Full Text Of Joint Communique Of Leaders At Belt & Road Forum (Xinhua) Complete List Of Projects Signed At Belt & Road Forum (Chinese only, Reuters) What EU Leaders Think Of OBOR (The Asset) Russia’s OBOR Perspectives – President Putin’s and Academic Viewpoints (Russia Briefing) Brand & Road: Does China’s Policy Deserve The Hype? (Finance[…..]

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    AIIB Approves Seven New Members, Total Now 77 State Level Investors

    China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB ) has approved a further seven member nations, adding to the thirteen new members  it approved in March. The new members, which are Bahrain, Bolivia, Chile, Cyprus, Greece, Romania and Samoa, bring the total members on board to 77. The seven prospective members also need to complete the required[…..]

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    China’s One Belt One Road Pop Music Video

    Commentary by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Xinhua have released a pop music video entitled “Yi Dai Yi Lu” (the Belt & Road) sung by a hobo boy band playing archaic, acoustic instruments at a variety of locations across Europe, Asia and the United States. In it, the lyrics claim OBOR responsibility for, in order: Delivering red wine[…..]

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    Chinese Overseas Direct Investment Turns Towards OBOR As Beijing Pledges USD2 Trillion In Purchases

    Chinese Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) is being increasingly aligned with the countries OBOR plans, meaning attempts to woo the billions of dollars in China’s foreign reserves are not going to be significantly re-invested in the West, according to plans laid out at the this weeks OBOR conference in Beijing. A document released at the conference[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly

    Who’s Who in China’s Belt and Road Initiative  (South China Morning Post) Taking Advantage Of China’s ASEAN & OBOR Trade (China Briefing) China Aims To Triple Rail Freight To Europe By 2020 (Asian Nikkei) Practical Tips For Working With Chinese Builders Abroad (Siveco) China, Russia & Iran: Ports And Power Along The Belt & Road[…..]

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    Understanding China’s Free Trade Agreements Along The OBOR Routes

    The elimination of tariffs and taxes is always a boom for exporters, and is something that China has taken advantage of very effectively over the past two decades. When China first began its journey towards becoming the massive manufacturing giant it is today, it attracted foreign manufacturers, from which the Chinese could learn, by eliminating[…..]

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    An Introduction To The Eurasian Development Bank

    While much attention has been given China’s development of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank  (AIIB ), another financial institution providing loans for Silk Road projects is the Eurasian Development Bank  (EDB). This bank was originally founded in 2006 by Russia and Kazakhstan, and currently has four other member states, being  Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly

    China’s Belt & Road Push Will Help Hong Kong Top Regional Rival Singapore (South China Morning Post) Russia Not Waiting For Sanctions To Be Lifted (Tass) Russian Economy Diversifying As New Agricultural Trends Lead The Way (Russia Briefing) AIIB Approves First Loan To India (Sputnik) India & Tajikistan – Partners In Development (Eurasia Review) India[…..]

Showing 10 of 1452 articles