China’s One Belt One Road Pop Music Video

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Commentary by Chris Devonshire-Ellis

Xinhua have released a pop music video entitled “Yi Dai Yi Lu” (the Belt & Road) sung by a hobo boy band playing archaic, acoustic instruments at a variety of locations across Europe, Asia and the United States.

    In it, the lyrics claim OBOR responsibility for, in order:

  • Delivering red wine to Europe two weeks earlier
  • Shipping containers to Greece moving faster
  • Boosting Eygpt’s annual GDP
  • Shipping more goods to Pakistan
  • Lower electricity bills in Sri Lanka
  • Helping Malaysians get jobs
  • Helping a Malaysian boy get married (cue Wedding March)
  • Belarus employees working day & night
  • (Chorus) “Mutual Benefit, Joint Responsibility & Shared Destiny / Silk Road Fund, BRICS Bank, AIIB”
  • More trains, more ships and more airlines
  • (Chorus) “Extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits”

The performers are from China’s High School Affiliated to the Remin University of China.

Quite why European’s knowledgable wine drinkers would be excited about Chinese wines arriving two weeks earlier displays a lack of European consumer market tastes, while the Chinese claiming responsibility for improved performances of the Egyptian and Malaysian economies may ruffle a few local politicians feathers. As for Sri Lankan electricity, I live in the country so am curious to learn how China’s OBOR can reduce my electricity bills by shipping more Chinese goods into Colombo Port. I’m also not entirely sure whether Belorussian workers would like to be engaged “day & night” in the China-Belarus Free Trade Zone.

It’s not the only video on the subject. A children’s sing-a-long “The Belt & Road Is How” and a “OBOR Bedtime Story”  in which OBOR financing is described as a Piggy Bank have also been released.

Nonetheless, these efforts brighten up our days. I shall be singing “Wooo, Hooo, Belt & Road” all day long now.

Enjoy the video:


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