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Showing 10 of 1452 articles
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    Argentina Close To Joining China’s Belt And Road Initiative?

    A major blow to the United States’ B3W credibility if Argentina goes BRI By Chris Devonshire-Ellis China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi, possibly the world’s busiest diplomat of 2021, has met with Argentine Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero in Rome following the G20 meetings. Wang Yi’s Comments Speaking at the discussions, which took place last Saturday (October[…..]

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    China To Build Military Bases In Tajikistan

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis  Military infrastructure being put in place to deal with Afghanistan instability and counterterrorism Tajikistan has approved the construction of a Chinese military base on its border with Afghanistan in moves to boost regional security. A Pamir Mountain base also operational for the past two years, will also be upgraded to a permanent[…..]

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    Cuba Joins Belt And Road Initiative Energy Partnership

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis The Global Energy Partnership now extends to 30 countries and concentrates on energy infrastructure development financing and construction among members Cuba has made official its entry into the Energy Partnership of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. It originally joined the BRI in 2018.

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    China’s Belt & Road And Beyond – November 1 2021

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion China’s Vaunted Belt And Road Initiative Is Not Going As Planned (Epoch Times) China Hits Reset On Belt And Road Initiative (VoA) Chinese Enterprise Contracting Security Abroad (Wavell Room) Chinese Workers Say They Are Lured Abroad And Exploited For Belt And Road Jobs (Wall Street Journal) Linking Ports,[…..]

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    Getting It Up: Italy’s Menarini Buys Rights To Distribute Cialis In China

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis EU investment into China’s soft consumer markets is hardening EU sourced investment into China continues to be buoyant, despite political noises to the contrary coming from Brussels. Italian finance into and from China, generally perceived as sluggish, picked up in Q3 this year. The Italian lifestyle is being embraced in the PRC[…..]

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    China Eyes The Balkans As Wang Yi Visits Serbia

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis China and Russia’s growing influence could result in a diminishing of EU regional geopolitics as new trade corridors start to head East China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi has held meetings with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic.

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    Bangladesh, Sri Lanka & Pakistan As A South Asia Triumvirate

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis and Pathik Hasan These three maritime nations offer new connectivity routes throughout Eurasia Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are all near neighbours in South Asia, orbiting around the influence of India. All four share common ties both in terms of their history with the United Kingdom and through more recent ties through[…..]

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    China’s Belt & Road And Beyond – October 25 2021

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion Behind China’s Massive Belt And Road Initiative (MSNBC) Infrastructure The Key To The China Challenge (The Corner) China Investing Millions In Overseas Development, Infrastructure (NBC) Can A Weakening EU Really Challenge China? (Epoch Times) Mapping China’s Digital Silk Road (Reconnecting Asia) A Chinese Starlink? PRC Views On Building[…..]

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    China’s Taklimakan Desert Rail Loop To Be Completed In 2022

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis  On September 27, 2021, the Heruo Railway, the final section of the rail network encircling Taklimakan Desert in China’s Xinjiang Province completed laying tracks, setting the foundation for operating the world’s first desert-circling railway in 2022.

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    New China-Ukraine Direct Train Route Indicative Of Europe’s Changing Geopolitical Dynamics

    Belarus & Lithuania Create An Opening For Ukraine But Practical Difficulties Remain Earlier this year, President Xi Jinping of China, and Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky discussed strengthening infrastructure connectivity and signed off an agreement to do so. Zelensky stated that Ukraine could become a “bridge to Europe” for Chinese investment. That has now been partially realized[…..]

Showing 10 of 1452 articles