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    New Complimentary Guide: Identifying Opportunities Within the Belt & Road Initiative

    Dezan Shira & Associates, the Asian focused foreign investment practice, have released a guidebook written by Chris Devonshire-Ellis, the practice Chairman and long-term Asia hand. The guide, “Identifying Opportunities Within the Belt & Road Initiative” comprises 142 pages and differs from most other BRI publications by breaking down the legal, tax and financial structures making[…..]

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    China’s Belt & Road And Beyond – April 05, 2021

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion New Complimentary Book: Identifying Opportunities Within The Belt & Road Initiative (Dezan Shira & Associates) A New Global Paradigm With China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative (Research & Markets) Maritime Silk Road Research Is Published (Shine) Competing With China: Lessons From The Belt & Road (CFR) With The[…..]

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    What’s in the United States Belt & Road Plan? A US$3 Trillion Spend on its Own Infrastructure, or is There More?

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis  Last week, the US President Joe Biden stated that the United States would be launching its own version of China’s Belt & Road Initiative, saying that in a call with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson “I suggested we should have, essentially, a similar initiative, pulling from the democratic states, helping those communities[…..]

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    China Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s Visit to the Middle East

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Full reports and analysis from Wang’s visits to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Oman US$400 billion Cooperation Agreement signed with Iran

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    The Suez Canal Alternative: The International North-South Transportation Corridor

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis  While the Suez Canal has been blocked the past week, affecting up to US$30 billion worth of goods and creating massive logistics headaches, questions are being asked about future blockage scenarios and mitigation against the worst impacts. In fact, one option is already coming onstream – the International North-South Transportation Corridor[…..]

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    China’s Belt & Road And Beyond – March 29, 2021

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion New Map Of The Belt & Road Initiative (Clingendael) China’s Belt & Road Initiative Explained (Grunge) China’s Belt & Road Initiative In Action: Economic, Social & Political Impact (US-China Institute) China’s Belt & Road Initiative: Colonialism With Chinese Characteristics? (Morning Star) Countries In China’s Belt & Road Initiative:[…..]

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    A US$200 Billion China Russia Trade Deal On The Cards?

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis  With Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister meeting his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi this week, there has been much talk of ‘increased cooperation’ and joint efforts at pushing back against perceived United States global trade bullying.

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    The Different Aspects Between China’s Meetings with the United States Last Week and Russia this Week

    Yana Leksyutina, Professor of St. Petersburg State University This past two weeks Russian-Chinese and American-Chinese negotiations, held with a difference of several days, contrastingly demonstrated what interstate relations can be if they are built on an equal and respectful basis, or, on the contrary, if one of the parties conducts a dialogue from a position[…..]

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    China’s Belt & Road And Beyond – March 22, 2021

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion Building An E-Silk Road (Hellenic Shipping News) Re-Thinking Asia’s Orbits 2021 (Silk Road Briefing) Russia And China Are Reshaping Eurasia As The Centre Of A New Global Order (Arab News) What Lies Behind China’s Belt & Road Initiative (The Wire) The Belt & Road Initiative After Covid: The[…..]

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    Re-Thinking Asia’s Orbits 2021

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis  With continuing geo-political tensions between the United States and China, the development of China’s Belt & Road, an alignment between China and Russia and new regional free trade agreements and investment flows emerging, the Asian region is starting to go through numerous dynamic changes.

Showing 10 of 1445 articles