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    Samarkand Airport Redevelopment Reopens For Shanghai Cooperation Organisation & World Tourism Summits

    It’s not a BRI project as no Chinese financing is involved, but the redevelopment of Uzbekistan’s Samarkand international airport has regional implications with it reopening in March 2022.

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    Kyrgyzstan’s Foreign Trade Turnover Up 19.5% In 2021

    Belt and Road countries close to China continue to reap the rewards from the exploitation of BRI built infrastructure. According to preliminary data released by the Kyrgyz Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Kyrgyzstan’s foreign trade turnover reached US$6.8 billion – 19.5% more than in 2020. That is a significant jump for a relatively small Central Asian economy.

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    Baku Caspian Port Cargo Turnover Up 14.6% In 2021

    Cargo turnover of the Baku International Sea Trade Port in 2021 increased by 14.6%, increasing by 5.6 million tonnes, according to the port’s press service. Azerbaijan’s Baku Port is an important Belt and Road Initiative hub as it handles significant volumes of freight travelling between Asia and Europe.

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    Egypt, Courted By China & Russia, Sees Exports Rise

    by Chris Devonshire-Ellis  Egypt is being wooed by both Beijing and Moscow as a desirable trade partner and access point to the African continental market. The Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was one of the 40 World Leaders who attended the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, after which he held meetings with Xi Jinping. Xi[…..]

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    Argentina Joins China’s Belt And Road Initiative

    Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez has been visiting Beijing to attend the 2022 Winter Olympics and signed an agreement on February 5th for the country to join the Belt and Road Initiative. It is a highly strategic move for Argentina as it is one of the largest economies in South America and has a pro-United States[…..]

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    The China-Russia Axis: What It Is And Why

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis  I was asked by the Italian newspaper L’Indro on Monday questions in relation to the current situation concerning China and Russia and produced the article below. The issues at stake however are very complex and lead into different issues themselves. These are controversial, deep, and difficult subjects and highly emotive to some people. I[…..]

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    Georgia’s Belt And Road Initiative – Accelerating Trade Between Central Asia And Europe

    The Hualing Free Industrial Zone is providing added value production to Asian goods destined for European and North American markets  Azerbaijan and Georgia play key roles within the framework of China’s Belt & Road Initiative, Soso Nibladze, the CEO of the Hualing Free Industrial Zone (FIZ), has stated. The zone is based in Kutaisi and[…..]

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    China’s Belt & Road And Beyond – February 7 2022

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion The Geography Of Containing China (American Spectator) Why China’s Semiconductor Industry Remains Behind (The National Interest) Finance Where Is China Investing? (G Zero) The Russian Ruble Is Again The World’s Most Under-Valued Currency (Russia Briefing) Health China’s Belt And Road Funding Pivot Pumps Millions Into Public Health (South[…..]

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    Chinese Companies To Invest In Turkmenistan’s Growth Development Transit Cargo Industry

    In further examples of how Chinese companies are now using the Belt and Road Initiative to develop cash-flow generating businesses, China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation and China Machinery Engineering Corporation are negotiating transit cargo transportation agreements through Turkmenistan. Discussions have been held between Mammetkhan Chakiev, Turkemistan’s Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications,[…..]

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    European Union – Kazakhstan 2021 Trade Up 25.6%

    Belt and Road Initiative rail freight infrastructure benefitting numerous countries Kazakhstan’s Statistics Committee has stated that Kazakhstan’s trade with the countries of the European Union reached US$28.4 billion during the period January – November 2021, which is a 25.6% increase over the US$22.6 billion achieved during the same period in 2020.

Showing 10 of 1445 articles