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    Turkmenistan’s OBOR Contributions – Gas, Tourism & Light Trade Potential

    By Dezan Shira & Associates Turkmenistan’s position in China’s OBOR initiatives remains somewhat off the radar. It is remote, harbors a long and dangerous border with Afghanistan, and is the only Central Asian country not to have presented itself as a candidate to join the WTO. It is a strong willed nation, proud, and determined to[…..]

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    China’s OBOR Developments with Iran & the Arab States

    By Dezan Shira & Associates China has long courted and enjoyed a healthy relationship with Iran, and hand in hand with this relationship is its diplomatic and trade links with the Gulf and Arab states. Balancing the region’s differing religious beliefs and other regional tensions with the concerns of the United States has thus far been a[…..]

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    China’s Arctic Passage Ambitions Grow with Arkhangelsk Port Development

      The redevelopment of Russia’s Far North-Western Arkhangelsk Port to Deep Water facilities has profound implications for Russian and Chinese shipping and the development of the Northern Sea Route. Regional Governor Igor Orlov has stated that the first stage of the port on Russia’s North-West Arctic coastline will be operational by 2025. The port has[…..]

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    China, Saudi Arabia Agree US$65 Billion OBOR Deal with European Implications

    China and Saudi Arabia recently sealed US$65 billion in deals between the two nations. Saudi Arabia also has a One Belt, One Road (OBOR) type initiative named “Saudi Vision 2030” and the new bilateral investment deals cater for both.

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    Beyond the Silk Road – the Bering Straits Connection

    China and Russia have loosely suggested at plans to link northeast Asia with Alaska, via the Bering Straits. This would connect the Chukotka Peninsula in Eastern Russia and the Seward Peninsula in Alaska, thus connecting North America with Asia.

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    China Launches Official OBOR Portal

    China has launched an official “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) portal as a promotional tool showcasing different aspects of the OBOR initiative. The news function is a useful source for round up data, and welcome addition to understanding the complexities of China’s work within the OBOR initiative.

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    China Facing Criticism As Polluting Cement Factories Are Relocated To Tajikistan

    China is facing criticism after cement factories relocated environmentally unfriendly operations close to Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan. If Beijing isn’t careful about the quality of investments it sends abroad, it could gain a dirty, polluting name that will be hard to clean up.

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    Opening Up the Siberian Silk Road from Moscow to Beijing

    By Dezan Shira & Associates The traditional Silk Road scholars tend not to take much notice of Siberia when it comes to the impact it had on trade. However, Chinese merchants often headed north, across the Gobi (there is an ancient monastery and temple at Erdenedalai at the edge of the northern Gobi in Mongolia where[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly

    Our Weekly Round Up Of Infrastructure Development News Across The Silk Road Routes China to Build Silk Road for Project Finance (Global Finance) China’s Silk Road Is Getting Muddy (Foreign Policy) China’s New Silk Road to Make A Big Move In Gold (Zero Hedge) Why the New Silk Roads Terrify Washington (Russia Today) China Pivots[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly – March 13, 2017

    Our Weekly Round Up Of Infrastructure Development News Across The Silk Road Routes The New Silk Road Becomes A Eurasian Land Bridge (Schiller Institute)  Kazakh Finance Minister Pledges To Cut Red Tape For Business (Astana Times)  Truck Motorcycle Production Starts in Tashkent (Uzbekistan Today)  Participants of Muynak Industrial Zone To Receive Tax Preferences (Uzbekistan Daily) […..]

Showing 10 of 1452 articles