New Issue of Breakbulk Magazine Includes 2021 BRI Project Cargo Analysis Speaking to the influential Breakbulk Magazine, which deals with global Project Cargo issues, Chris Devonshire-Ellis, chairman of Dezan Shira & Associates, believes that now is the right time to look at auxiliary requirements related to the BRI and the project cargo work associated with those.[…..]
Shanghai Port has broken its own Container Traffic record for July as it saw 3.9 million TEU pass through its terminals, according to figures from the Shanghai International Port Group (SIPG). Traffic increased year-on-year (YoY) 1.2% and 7.6% on June’s traffic, which suggests the Port might have recovered from the trade uncertainty partially caused by the[…..]
Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis As the world is on the hunt for a vaccine to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, little noticed in the media are the steps being taken by Chinese and Russian institutes in researching the disease and developing a cure. This understanding is important to note as the United States[…..]
Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion Asia & Emerging Economies The Way Out Of Covid-19 Slump (Silk Road Briefing) China’s Belt & Road Is The Route To Global Recovery (South China Morning Post) China’s Health Silk Road Paves Way To Covid-19 Recovery (Asia Times) Assessing The Impact Of Covid-19 On The Belt & Road[…..]
The Australian Edition Picnic At Hanging Rock Picnic at Hanging Rock is an Australian novel by Joan Lindsay. Set in 1900, it is about a group of female students at an Australian girls’ school who vanish at Hanging Rock while on a Valentine’s Day picnic, and the effects the disappearances have on the school and local community. The novel was first published in 1967[…..]
Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis China’s spend along the Belt & Road Initiative is evolving, and decreasing somewhat in size. While some analysts point to a decrease in the total capital amounts being spent as proof that China is running out of money, or that the Belt & Road Initiative is running out of steam, the[…..]
Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis The China specialist merchant bank Grisons Peak have released their 2020 Q2 outbound/inbound M&A/equity investment figures for China for the period April-June, which contains some interesting mini-messages:
Belt & Road Initiative GDP Forecasts 2020-2021 Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis The International Monetary Fund has released updates for how it sees economic developments both this year and next in the wake of the Covid-19 global pandemic.
Pakistan’s Gwadar port has received its first shipment of goods destined for Afghanistan, acting as a transit for goods exported by the UAE.
Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion The Belt & Road Initiative In Eurasia (CSS) China Can Buy Influence, But It Can’t Buy Love (Foreign Policy) China-Europe Freight Trains: ‘Locomotive Envoys Of The Ancient Silk Road’ (People’s Daily) China Is Giving Ancient Silk Road Trade Routes A Digital Makeover (TradeVistas) A Millenium After The Height[…..]