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    Chris Devonshire-Ellis Interview With Treasury Today About China’s Belt & Road Initiative Lending Policies

    Chris Devonshire-Ellis, Dezan Shira & Associates Chairman and Founding Partner, has been interviewed by Treasury Today concerning China’s appetite for BRI lending. There are differing opinions about Chinese policy as regards this, as China’s overall spending has shown some decline, most noticeable in its engagement with Russia. Rather than being a consequence of the conflict[…..]

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    The Interests of Beijing and Tokyo May Clash in Central Asia

    Never mind recent Sea of Japan naval drills, Tokyo has other potential battles with China coming up  Recently, the Japanese government has begun to pay more attention to the political and economic initiatives for rapprochement with Central Asia, with the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) stating that “This is a geopolitically important region, rich in[…..]

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    Russia’s Yakutia and Power China To Cooperate In Thermal Power Plants For Energy Exports To China

    The Yakutia Government in the Russian Far East, and China’s Power China have signed a MoU on cooperation in the construction of a new gas power plant with a capacity of 8 GW near Yakutsk and an extra-high voltage DC power line to export electricity to China, according to Dmitry Volvach, the Deputy Minister of[…..]

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    Russia Wants Chinese Assistance In Microelectronics Production

    Likely to lead to increased Russia – China – India – Brazil Cooperations Yuri Borisov, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, has stated that Moscow is counting on Beijing’s assistance in the production of microelectronics, while speaking at the Engineers of the Future forum, held at Tula State University.

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    The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit and Impact Upon September’s G20 Summit

    New Eurasian Transport Routes And Developments As India Wrestles With Global Geopolitical Tensions By Chris Devonshire-Ellis India’s recent hosting of the annual meeting of the SCO heads of state in a virtual format has proved to be a watershed meeting for the grouping. Just prior to the SCO summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Washington[…..]

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    China Signs Bilateral Agreements With The Solomon Islands

    Move gives China an additional presence in the Pacific  Manasseh Sogavarem, the Solomon Islands Prime Minister has been visiting Beijing to sign nine bilateral agreements on economic, technical, and policing cooperation with his Chinese counterpart, Premier Li Qiang, as well as President Xi Jinping. The Solomon Islands have some strategic value as they sit east[…..]

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    China Invests US$50 billion in Central Asia

    China has made significant progress in strengthening economic ties with the countries of Central Asia, as seen by the recent series of agreements signed between China and five countries in the region. The total investment involved in these agreements is US$50 billion. We identify these investments as follows:

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    Russia Approves Turkmenistan’s Accession To the INSTC

    The Russian Federation has approved Turkmenistan’s accession to the Agreement on the International North-South Transport Corridor, (INSTC) with the corresponding order signed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs was instructed to notify Iran of this decision.

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    Argentina Repays IMF Loan In Chinese RMB Yuan

    Bilateral trade soaring while Peso plummets in value  The emergence of the Chinese Yuan as a developing global alternative currency took a step forward last week with the Argentinian Central Bank making a loan repayment valued at US$1 billion to the International Monetary Fund in Chinese RMB Yuan (Â¥ 7,200,300,000). A further US$1.7 billion was[…..]

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    China’s Multilateral Trade With Iran, Situation and 2023/24 Prospects

    By Farzad Ramezani Bonesh The history of trade relations between Iran and China goes back to the first contact between the two governments in 140 BC. In the past century, the new economic relations between the two countries have been accompanied by ups and downs. Since 1952, the economic relationship between Iran and China has[…..]

Showing 10 of 1445 articles