Chris Devonshire-Ellis Interview With Treasury Today About China’s Belt & Road Initiative Lending Policies

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Chris Devonshire-Ellis, Dezan Shira & Associates Chairman and Founding Partner, has been interviewed by Treasury Today concerning China’s appetite for BRI lending. There are differing opinions about Chinese policy as regards this, as China’s overall spending has shown some decline, most noticeable in its engagement with Russia. Rather than being a consequence of the conflict in Ukraine, however, it could be viewed as a window into China’s broader attitudes to international lending.

Chris gives his opinions. The article can be viewed here.

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    Silk Road Briefing is written and produced by Dezan Shira & Associates. As global geopolitics change the way supply chains are developing, we provide regional analysis of the emerging trends and where opportunities for foreign investors are. Our firm provides market research and intelligence for issues affecting all the Belt and Road Initiative countries with assistance from our wide business network of over 100 regional offices. To learn more about how we can help your business evaluate the changing dynamics, email us at or visit