Kazakhstan – Tajikistan Bilateral Trade Up 16.5% In H1 2022

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The trade turnover between Kazakhstan and Tajikistan reached US$621.4 million over the period from January – June 2022, compared to US$519.02 million during the same months of 2021, according to Kazakhstan’s Statistics Committee.

Kazakhstan’s exports to Tajikistan reached US$362.7 million during the period, up from US$350.4 million during the same period of 2021.

In turn, Kazakhstan’s imports from Tajikistan amounted to nearly US$258.6 million over H1 2022, compared to US$168.5 million during H1 2021. Both have increased their respective shares in each other’s foreign trade. Kazakhstan and Tajikistan are both members of the CIS trade bloc.

In 2021, trade turnover between two countries increased by 46.9% over 2020, reaching US$1.2 billion.

The main products that Kazakhstan exports to Tajikistan are Wheat, Petroleum Gas, and Raw Iron Bars, with an expanding auto exports sector, while Tajikistan exports Lead and Zinc Ores as well as agricultural produce such as Onions.

The growth trends should continue as Kazakh Export Chairman Aslan Kaligazin signed bilateral agreements with the major banks of Tajikistan to foster cooperation and increase the exports of non-commodity goods from Kazakhstan in August this year.

The two countries are separated and utilize trade routes via Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan to trade. New planned rail connections will also serve to boost bilateral trade volumes when completed.

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