Organisation Of Turkic States Meets In Istanbul

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Uzbek city of Kokand to be developed as a Turkic cultural regional tourist hub

Turkey’s own version of the Belt and Road Initiative, the Organisation of Turkic States (OTSC) has just concluded meetings in Istanbul, hosted by Turkish President  Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The OTS includes

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Uzbekistan, and receives Hungary and Turkmenistan as Observers. Afghanistan and Ukraine have also expressed interest in obtaining Observer status.

China has expressed some concern over the OTS as there is strong evidence that Western China’s Uyghurs in Xinjiang Province are Turkic, and Beijing wishes to keep influence over them away from external influences. A similar position exists in Mongolia, albeit to a far lesser degree. The Uyghurs were used as civil servants during the times of Chinghis Khan and the Great Mongolian Empire. Ancient Turkic artifacts and standing stones are still found throughout the Chinese and Mongolian territories.

China has dealt with this by accepting all OTS members as part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, a far larger and more powerful body.

The main item on the OTS agenda was the implementation of the “Tabarruk Ziyorat” project, which is designed to jointly promote the tourism potential of the city of Kokand, recognized for the first time in the history of the organization as the “Tourism Capital of the Turkic world”.  Kokand is based in Uzbekistan and is at the Eastern end of the Ferghana Valley and the border with Kyrgyzstan. The area is being connected to China’s Belt and Road Initiative and regional rail networks, although at present access is by road. 

Uzbekistan plans to develop a joint Roadmap as part of the Tabarruk Ziyorat project, as well as organize joint exhibitions of artisans, ethno-sport competitions, and other events to preserve cultural heritage through the status of Kokand as the Turkic world tourist capital.  The roadmap will be valid for all member countries of the organization, which will determine the main points of contact for the development of tourism.

Within the framework of the Tabarruk Ziyorat project, increasing cooperation in tourism between the OTS member and observer states is envisaged. The working group discussed issues of joint holding of international fairs, exhibitions, festivals, national sports competitions, strengthening ties between international scientific centers in Uzbekistan, and scientific centers in the member states of the organization. Joint tourism proposals are being discussed and will no doubt manifest themselves later. The development of Kokand – which dates back to 10th century will be an interesting stop over for travellers and tourists wishing to explore the ancient Silk Road routes.

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Chris Devonshire-Ellis is the Chairman of Dezan Shira & Associates. The firm assists British and Foreign Investment into Asia and has 28 offices throughout China, India, the ASEAN nations and Russia. For strategic and business intelligence concerning China’s Belt & Road Initiative please email or visit us at