Kyrgyzstan Freight Transport Rose 29.8% In 2022

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The volume of freight transportation via transport methods increased 29.8% in Kyrgyzstan during 2022, according to the National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyzstan.

Freight transportation by all modes of transport in Kyrgyzstan amounted to 44.2 million tons over the year, up from 34.1 million tons in 2021.

Road transportation accounted for the largest increase, with the volume of freight transportation by road in Kyrgyzstan reaching 35.9 million tons, 37.3% more than the 26.1 million tons recorded in 2021. Rail cargo transportation also increased by 4.8% – up to 8 million tons from 7.6 million tons the previous year. These figures corollate with Kyrgyzstan’s trade the Eurasian Economic Union  – which increased 36.2% in 2022.

The transportation mix at will change over time as Kyrgyzstan is seeing significant rail infrastructure being put in place as part of China’s Eurasian rail network plans through the Belt & Road Initiative.

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