Algeria Applies To Join BRICS

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Algeria has reportedly filed an official application to join the BRICS group of major emerging economies. Algerian news website Al-Shouruk said the announcement came from Leila Zerrouki, the Foreign Ministry’s special envoy for international partnerships, speaking on state radio.

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has also recently said the country was interested in joining Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa in the BRICS group, explaining that the country largely meets the criteria for membership. Russian Ambassador to Algeria Valeryan Shuvaev indicated that Moscow had no objections to Algeria joining.

At this year’s BRICS summit, held online in June, the format was expanded to include 13 additional nations, including Algeria. President Tebboune was the first guest to speak, calling for “a new economic order where parity and equity between countries will reign.”

Algeria has a GDP of some US$168 billion, a population of 45 million and is a significant energy and fertilizer producer. Current GDP growth rates are slightly above 8% for 2022.

Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said in September that a number of countries have expressed an interest in joining BRICS in one form or another. The diplomat said the leaders of the BRICS nations are developing a procedure for accepting new members.

The BRICS alliance, which already accounts for more than 40% of the world’s population, is also considering adding nations including Saudi Arabia, Türkiye, Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan and Indonesia.

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