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    Silk Road Development Weekly

    Our Weekly Round Up Of Investment News, Finance & Analysis Analysis & Opinion The Staggering Impact of China’s Belt & Road (The Atlantic) Belt Road Dispute Management Series (Transnational Dispute Management) China’s Belt Road Initiative – Supply Chains In Asia (Splash 247) The EU : Pondering Strategic Engagement With China’s Belt & Road Initiative ([…..]

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    China’s Maritime Belt Road Free Trade Agreements In South Asia

    By Melissa Cyrill China is steadily laying the groundwork for its ambitious ‘One Belt, One Road’ (OBOR) program. Given that it is an expansive regional infrastructure and connectivity initiative, the dismantling of trade barriers throughout the OBOR region is important. China realizes this, and has been actively pursuing free trade agreements (FTAs) with all key[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly

    The very latest in global analysis, strategy and regional developments. Analysis & Strategy Chinese Perspectives On The Belt & Road Initiative – Strategic Rationales, Risks & Implications (INSS) Your Buddy In Beijing – China’s Secretive US$360 Billion Foreign Aid Programme Mapped (Sputnik) US Strategy Toward China’s Belt & Road Initiative (Atlantic Council) One Belt One[…..]

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    China, Pakistan Bypass India as CPEC Digital Routes are Developed

    The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a major transportation link between far western Xinjiang Province in China and the port of Gwadar in south-western Pakistan, and is now considered by China to be a key element of the Belt & Road Initiative.

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    Silk Road Development Weekly

    Opinion & Analysis China’s Rust Belt Looks To Belt & Road For Revitalisation (Belt Road Forum) New Rail Routes Between China and Asia Will Change Trade Patterns (Economist) Asia Is The New Global Disorder (Sputnik) Lessons From The Marshall Plan (Financial Times) The Twists And Turns Along China’s Belt & Road (Crisis Group) China Says[…..]

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    Silk Road Development Weekly

    ANALYSIS & OPINION Three Reasons Why China’s Belt & Road will Succeed (Caixin) China’s Belt & Road – A Vision Encased In Steel (BHP Billiton) Miners Eye Boost From China’s Belt & Road Project (Financial Times) China Growth – A Growing Global Footprint (HSBC) Why Asia Is The Champion Of Globalization (The Globalist) Chinese Investment[…..]

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    German OBOR Freight Capacity Problems Allows Finland to Play Role in China-EU Rail Freight

    Capacity problems between Malaszewicze and Brest for trains traveling between China and the EU has allowed Finland’s Kouvola rail hub to step in and take advantage.

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    Silk Road Development Weekly

    TRADE & INVESTMENT Investing In China’s Free Trade Zones (China Briefing) Citigroup Targets Belt & Road To Boost China Revenue (Reuters) Railways Play Key Role In China-Europe Trade (Belt Road Forum) Belt & Road Foreign Investors Seek Greater Clarity (Finance Asia)

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    Moody’s Rates Belt and Road Initiative “Overall Credit Positive” but Warns China Of Risks

    Moody’s Investors Service has issued a report stating that China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) will benefit its own economy, but will also pose challenges in how risk will be allocated between participating Chinese entities and other sovereign nations.

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    Silk Road Development Weekly

    The latest in global Belt & Road analysis, finance, and infrastructure developments from this week.

Showing 10 of 1452 articles