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    China’s Belt & Road And Beyond – April 27, 2020

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion Virus Should Break Cycle Of Dependence On China (The Statesman) Did China Spread The Coronavirus Along The Belt & Road Initiative? (Silk Road Briefing) Chinese Companies Restarting Most Overseas Projects Amid Covid-19 Shows BRI Vitality (Global Times) Covid-19 Will Permanently Alter China’s Relations With The World (The Strategist)[…..]

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    Impact Of Covid-19 On China’s Global Belt & Road Project Financing – Q&A

    Over the past three years, Silk Road Briefing has become one of the go-too platforms for up to the minute news, commentary and opinion concerning China’s Belt & Road Initiative, with its main contributor, Chris Devonshire-Ellis being able to concentrate on the scheme as part of his New Business Development role as Chairman of Dezan[…..]

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    Did China Spread The Coronavirus Along The Belt & Road Initiative?

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Some of the Western media have been playing up the role of China’s Belt & Road Initiative in the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. Articles such as “The Chinese Virus Spread To The West On The New Silk Road”  “One Belt, One Road, One Pandemic“ among others have tended to attribute[…..]

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    China’s Belt & Road And Beyond – April 20, 2020

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion How Will Covid-19 Outbreak Impact The Belt & Road Initiative? (Oxford Business Group) China’s Digital Silk Road After Coronavirus (CSIS) China Set To Launch Global Blockchain Initiative (Asia Times) Why China’s Belt & Road Offers A World Of Business Investment Opportunities (South China Morning Post) China Already Has[…..]

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    The Social & Economic Impact Of Covid-19 On South Africa

    by Melodie Labuschaigne and Ciara Staunton South Africa is a key member of China’s Belt & Road Initiative as well as being a member of the BRICS grouping and a member of the Beijing supported Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. In this article we look at the situation on the gtound concerning Covid-19 in the country.  

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    The Current Social & Economic Impact Of Covid-19 Upon The BRICS Nations

    Op/Ed By Chris Devonshire-Ellis, Adam Livermore, Rohit Kapur, Maria Kotova and Patricia Varejao, Dezan Shira & Associates Complete On-The-Ground Analysis From Dezan Shira & Associates Regional Offices While global attention has been geared towards first towards China and Asia, followed by the EU and United States, little attention has been paid to other regions. The[…..]

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    China’s Belt & Road And Beyond – April 13, 2020

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Editors Pick: Q&A With Forbes’s Wade Shepard On The New Silk Road Analysis & Opinion The Belt & Road After Covid-19 (The Diplomat) What Coronavirus Could Mean For China (Besa Center) How China Is Remaking The UN In Its Own Image (The Diplomat) A New Front For Nationalism: The Global Battle[…..]

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    Friendship Test For Beijing And The Belt & Road Initiative As Vanuatu Is Laid Waste By Cyclone Harold

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis The Pacific Ocean island of Vanuatu was leveled by Cyclone Harold on Monday,   flattening buildings, cutting power and stripping trees. The damage wrought by Cyclone Harold is similar to the impact of Cyclone Pam in 2015, which directly impacted half the national population and damaged 90% of buildings in the capital, Port[…..]

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    AIIB Approves US$355 Million China Covid-19 Loan

    The Beijing-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB ) has approved a sovereign-backed loan of RMB 2,485 million (US$355 million) for the upgrading of China’s sustainable public health infrastructure and the provision of emergency equipment and supplies.

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    Can The Health Silk Road intervention Save China’s Belt Road Initiative (BRI) From COVID-19 Geopolitical Fallout?

    By Andre Wheeler The economic and humanitarian impact of the Coronavirus around the globe are plentiful. Volatility on trade markets is now the new normal, and the one time globalised market  has contracted at alarming rates. Whilst the polarising debate blaming the virus along nationalistic lines, China has initiated counter measures to keep the China[…..]

Showing 10 of 1452 articles