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    2023 H1 Kazakhstan–China Trade Up By 22%

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis The Kazakhstan – China trade turnover has reached US$10.7 billion in the first five months of 2023, which is 21.6% more than a year earlier. The share of exports from Kazakhstan to China of Kazakhstan’s total amounted to 15.4%. Imports from China grew by 56.3% to US$5.9 billion. The share of China in the structure of the country’s imports amounted to 24.2%.

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    The Moscow Format Afghanistan Consultations To Be Held In Kazan In September

    China, India, Iran, Pakistan & Russia to send envoys in addition to Central Asian nations By Chris Devonshire-Ellis The multilateral ‘Moscow Format’ of nations are to hold their upcoming annual meeting in Russia’s Kazan on September 29, and aims to eradicate terrorism and drug trafficking while stressing the importance of forming a truly inclusive government,[…..]

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    Bolivia Wants To Join BRICS

    Asset-rich but relatively poor nation has the fastest GDO growth rate in Latin America   The ever-growing list of nations ready to enter the BRICS economic bloc now includes Bolivia, according to Foreign Minister Rogelio Mayta. The minister said his nation would attend the summit of the bloc – which is made up of Brazil,[…..]

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    China’s H1 2023 Trade with BRI Countries Up 9.8%, Chinese BRI Investment Continues

    Implications for the EU and US, as Chinese trade preferences currently lie elsewhere By Chris Devonshire-Ellis China’s trade with countries part of its Belt & Road Initiative countries has increased to ¥6.89 trillion (US$964 billion) in the first half of 2023, an increase of 9.8% year-on-year, according to MOFCOM. BRI countries trade with China now[…..]

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    Kazakhstan Customs Border Throughput Capacity To Increase By Eight Times

    Kazakh – EAEU goods transits through to China, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to have significant Increases   The customs border capacity of checkpoints within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) are set to increase eightfold, according to Yeldos Saudabayev, the director of the control department of the State Revenue Committee (SRC) of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan.[…..]

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    India Wants Strict New BRICS Membership Entry Rules

    India is insisting on strict rules for the admission of new members into the BRICS group of nations, while Brazil is also opposed to proposals from China to rapidly expand the group. The debate has arisen during preparatory talks for the BRICS summit of leaders, due to take place in Johannesburg in August. India and[…..]

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    Indonesia Commits To Trade Goals With Kazakhstan As Part Of EAEU FTA Negotiations

    Kazakhstan and Indonesia have set an ambitious goal of bringing their mutual trade turnover to US$1 billion. According to Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Trade and Integration, this was the immediate trade goals aimed for during the second round of negotiations for the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and Indonesia. The EAEU[…..]

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    Russia’s Ozon Ecommerce Retailer Starts Constructing Huge Logistics Complex In Kazakhstan

    Russia’s first e-commerce company, Ozon, has started the construction of the logistics complex in Kazakhstan, with an investment of approximately 15 billion Kazakh tenge (US$33.7 million).

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    China, Uzbekistan Plan Auto Joint Ventures

    Murotjon Azimov, the Governor of Uzbekistan’s Kashkadarya region to the south of Samarkand, has been in China discussing the formation of an auto JV with China’s JAC Motors, in Hefei. Talks have been held concerning the possibility of establishing a joint auto production factory in Karshi, in Kashkadarya.

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    China Interested In Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Mineral Deposits

    Central Asia is one of the priority regional directions of China’s foreign policy, with developing land transport links making the region an important mineral resource base. China’s active policy has positive aspects, but also contains potential threats for the Central Asian republics. While in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, China has managed to form a deep dependence[…..]

Showing 10 of 1452 articles