Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion NATO Leaders Turn Attention To Rising China Challenge (VoA) The US-China Trade Deal Phase Two – Digital Trade, IP & A Bilateral Investment Treaty (China Briefing) Greenland Chooses Sweden’s Ericsson Over China’s Huawei As 5G Supplier (Sputnik) China Uses New Silk Road To Get Political Influence (Rail Freight)[…..]
Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Move has implications upon China’s relations with Mercusor Argentina will join China’s multibillion-dollar Belt & Road Initiative (BRI), the Argentine newspaper Perfil has reported, citing the Argentine foreign office.
Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Concerned that mass consumption of Oranges during December 24th as Santa Claus travels the world leaving presents, toys and oranges as gifts for young children around the world might impact on global orange prices, the Government of Fengjie County, in China’s Chongqing municipality have launched the worlds first Orange stock price index,[…..]
Syria, desperate for reconstruction capital following a devastating 8 year civil war, has approached Beijing about joining with the Belt & Road Initiative. The conflict has laid waste to entire cities and destroyed the country’s critical infrastructure, including the destruction of nearly a quarter of its housing stock. The United Nations has estimated the cost[…..]
Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion The Belt & Road: Calculating Winners & Losers (The Diplomat) Belt & Road As A Strategic Initiative (Economic & Political Weekly) The Sustainability Challenge Of China’s BRI (East Asia Forum) As The US ‘Decouples’ From China, Who Will Make Up The Trade Balance? (Silk Road Briefing) China And[…..]
Boris Johnson’s Attempts To Balance US Hegemony Against China Trade Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Now that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been able to deliver a General Election allowing his Brexit policies to reach fruition, where does this leave potential British interests along China’s Belt & Road Initiative? With the UK poised to first[…..]
Emerging markets loom as China looks for trade growth alternatives Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Mainstream media has been playing up the “decoupling” of the US and China trade and economy, although the situation is not as bad as many suggest. In fact, US-China bilateral trade is set to reach about US$560 billion this year. As I pointed out in[…..]
The Belt and Road International Lawyers Association (BRILA) has been launched by the All China Lawyers Association – China’s equivalent to the Bar. The aim of BRILA is to promote legal cooperation among countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. The members of the new Belt and Road International Lawyers Association, a[…..]
Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion Why The White House Has Its Eyes Wide Shut On China (The National Interest) The United States – The Second Largest Belt & Road Beneficiary After China (Silk Road Briefing) As China’s Belt & Road Initiative Replaces U.S. On Global Stage, The Implications For Energy & Trade (Forbes)[…..]
The recent British Royal Tour to New Zealand was somewhat overshadowed by the media coverage of Prince Andrews ill-advised interview concerning dodgy sexual escapades, however in an overlooked incident, a Gentlemanly gesture has the potential to create a little push-back against China’s Belt & Road Initiative. As part of the New Zealand trip, the Prince[…..]