Chris Devonshire-Ellis Discusses China’s Belt & Road In The Russian Context & Xi Jinping’s Visit To Moscow With CGTN

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Chris Devonshire-Ellis was interviewed live on CGTN’s ‘Global Business’ Programme yesterday (March 21) concerning Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow to discuss overall trade developments and the Ukraine situation with Russian President Putin.

Two primary questions were asked, being “How can China-Russia’s cooperation in transportation benefit bilateral trade?” and “What role does China-Russia Cooperation in transportation play in the Belt and Road Initiative?”

The full programme, in English, can be accessed from this link here.

Chris’s replies can be seen from 15 minutes in.

In addition to this, Chris’s commentary concerning Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow can be seen here, and his comments concerning the nature of Russia’s potential within an expanded relationship with China here.

He was also interviewed by Russia’s Sputnik News concerning Xi’s visit to Moscow and related trade matters this week, that interview can be read online here.

Chris is a regular contributor to international media with a 30 year foreign investment investment advisory career in China, India, ASEAN, the Middle East and Russia. He is the Founding Partner of Dezan Shira & Associates with 30 regional offices and several hundred professional staff throughout Asia. See also Asia Briefing. Chris can be reached via

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