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    Armenia And Iran Plan Joint Technology Park To Access EAEU Consumers

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Both countries keen to make use of the INSTC and provide free trade and tax incentives  Armenia and Iran have agreed on a joint project to set up a technology park, with the deal underlining two emerging trends, the tech-bent of Armenia’s business development, and the growing ties between Armenia and Iran,[…..]

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    Serbia – EAEU Free Trade Agreement Now In Effect

    Serbia is an important Belt and Road transit through to Eastern European markets and a strategic piece in the on-going Moscow-Brussels-Beijing struggles for control of the Balkans  Serbia’s free trade agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union came into effect on July 10 and has already increased its trade with Russia by 7% over the past[…..]

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    EU Foreign Ministers Approve The ‘Globally Connected Europe’ Scheme As A Belt And Road Initiative Alternative

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis European Union foreign ministers have approved plans to develop a rival global investment strategy to act as an alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative. The EU’s economic, foreign and development policy, as well as security interests will be advanced, while also promoting European values – typically a euphemism for democracy and[…..]

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    China And Brazil To Align National Investment Programmes

    Paulo Estivallet de Mesquita, Brazil’s Ambassador to China has said that Brazil and China are keen to fully explore the synergies between China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Brazil’s Investment Partnerships Programme.

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    The Taliban Says It Will Not Attack Central Asian Nations

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis  In talks with Russian Foreign Ministry officials in Moscow last week, the Taliban has said it would not attack countries in Central Asia despite its rapid advance through Afghanistan.

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    China’s Belt & Road And Beyond – July 12 2021

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion World Governments Follow Global Investors In A Pivot To Asia (Asia Briefing) What Is China’s Belt And Road Initiative? Start Here. (Al Jazeera) Between Belt And Road (EVN Report) EU’s Counter-Project To China’s Belt & Road (Euractiv) The EU’s Answer To The Belt And Road: Coming Up With[…..]

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    The EU’s Answer To The Belt & Road: Coming Up With A Catchy Name And Logo

    A lack of financial structuring and an onus on marketing does not bode well. But there is a solution, unless this is just pure marketing puff By Chris Devonshire-Ellis According to draft EU Council conclusions, European governments are to ask the European Commission to spend the coming nine months to develop a list of “high[…..]

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    Pakistan’s Gwadar Port Receives Additional Funding & Infrastructure

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis New 2,200 acre free trade zone, university and hospital projects, foreign investors create a shipping volume increase of 59,000 tonnes in 12 months Imran Khan, Pakistan’s Prime Minister, has launched several new projects at Gwadar Port, a key development on the countries south coast providing access to the Arabian Gulf and Indian[…..]

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    The Afghanistan Belt And Road: China’s Opportunity Or A US Exited Death Trap?

    Op/Ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Afghanistan is the key to connecting Central & South Asia. Delivering regional peace and trade would be a huge achievement for Beijing   Afghanistan has been much in the news recently as US and NATO soldiers pull out of a war they have been engaged in for 20 years. With the last[…..]

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    China’s Belt & Road And Beyond – July 5 2021

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion The Need For Greater Eurasian Digitization (Silk Road Briefing) Questions Raised Over G7 Plans To Take On China’s Belt & Road Initiative (Global Trade Review) Don’t Copy China’s Failed Belt & Road Initiative (Foreign Policy) G7 Leaders Unveil Major Infrastructure Project Designed To Counter Chinese Belt And Road[…..]

Showing 10 of 1445 articles