China SOE To Build Connectivity Highways In Northern Tajikistan

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China Railway Wuju Group Corporation (CRWG) will build highways in the northern region of Tajikistan, according to the Ministry of Transport of Tajikistan.

Tajik Minister of Transport Azim Ibrohim and CRWG’s Zhang Liang signed a contract for the construction of roads in the Sughd region of Tajikistan on November 25.

Within the framework of the fourth phase of the “Program to Improve Regional Communications in Central Asia”, construction work will be carried out on four sections of highways in the Sughd region with a total length of 51.2 km: “Kurush-Bekabad”, “Degmai-Bobojon Gafurov”, “Bobojon Gafurov-Khistevarz” and “Kanibadam-Kuchkak”. 

Ibrohim emphasized that more than 80% of the workers involved in the implementation of the project should be made up of local Tajiks. Eleven new bridges with a total length of 444.2 meters will be constructed as part of the project. Bekabad is close to the border with Uzbekistan, while Kushkak is close to Kyrgyzstan. The highway is part of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan-Uzbekistan network of routes that will connect Western China through to Central Asia.

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