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    China’s Belt & Road And Beyond – July 11 2022

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Analysis & Opinion The BRICS Summit Isn’t Just a ‘Talk Shop’ Anymore (World Politics Review) Belt & Road initiative Key To Bring Prosperity (The News) Deficit Trap?: Trade Balances And China’s Belt And Road Initiative (Eurasia Review) China’s Belt and Road Initiative Is Shifting Gears (Straits Times) The G7 At Last[…..]

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    Prepare For Battle: The UK Aims To Fight Back Against China Trade & Investment In Asia

    A recalibration of UK-Asia policy is on the cards after China went for London’s interests in the South Pacific By Chris Devonshire-Ellis The United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union (Brexit) has left the country looking for new trade partners. Much of this has centered upon Asia, where the UK maintains relatively strong ties with[…..]

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    Sri Lankan President Reaches Out To Putin For Economic Assistance

    Proposal for an Aeroflot South Asian Regional Hub in Sri Lanka in exchange for fuel supplies By Chris Devonshire-Ellis The Sri Lankan President, Gota Rajapaksa, has held phone conversations with the Russian President Vladimir Putin for financial assistance. In discussions held earlier today (July 6) that Rajapaksa subsequently tweeted details of, Putin was asked to[…..]

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    Remember China’s Casinos In Southeast Asia? They Were Just Launch Pads For Infrastructure Developments

    Using Chinese Gambling Losses To Create New Infrastructure  By Chris Devonshire-Ellis  Do you remember the Chinese casinos that began operating along the borders with China in Cambodia and Laos? The mega casino developments in Metro Manila in the Philippines? Well, it turns out that a little-known aspect of China’s Belt and Road Initiative has been[…..]

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    Azerbaijan’s Caspian Baku Port To Expand Cargo Traffic Infrastructure & Transshipment

    Significant increases of shipping, road and rail transportation necessitate new facilities as Baku booms Azerbaijan is considering the implementation of numerous projects to boost Baku Ports freight cargo transshipments, Khudayar Gasanli, the Head of Baku Port Strategic Planning and Development has stated. According to Gansali, the demand for routes running through Azerbaijan is rapidly increasing[…..]

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    Civil Unrest In Uzbekistan

    Uzbekistan has seen mass civil unrest in its Western Karakalpakstan Province. Uzbekistan’s Prosecutor General, Abror Mamatov has said that “During the mass disturbances in Nukus, 18 people were killed, and 243 injured.” Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has signed an executive order introducing the state of emergency in Karakalpakstan, where riots emerged following proposed amendments to[…..]

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    China’s Belt & Road And Beyond – July 4 2022

    Compiled By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Geopolitics NATO’s Strategic Concept 2022 Views 75% Of The BRICS Economies A Security Threat – Analysis (Silk Road Briefing) As NATO Grows, China and Russia Seek to Bring Iran, Saudi Arabia Into Fold (Newsweek) China Has Urged The West To Read The New 14th BRICS Summit Declaration Carefully. This Is What[…..]

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    NATO’s Strategic Concept 2022 Views 75% Of The BRICS Economies A Security Threat – Analysis

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis   The annual NATO summit has been taking place in Spain, including NATO members Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Türkiye, the United Kingdom and the United States. This year,[…..]

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    Kyrgyz Government Proposes Route For China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway

    The Kyrgyzstan government has approved a preliminary route of the Kyrgyz section of the prospective China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan (CKU) railway.

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    China Has Urged The West To Read The New 14th BRICS Summit Declaration Carefully. This Is What It Says.

    By Chris Devonshire-Ellis    While the G7 group of nations (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States together with the European Union) has been meeting in Germany, the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have been meeting in China for the 14th Summit. The contrasts could not[…..]

Showing 10 of 1445 articles