Single Logistics Operator Appointed For International North-South Transportation Corridor

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Kazakh, Russian and Turkmen Joint Venture to provide INSTC services

A single logistics operator is to be created for the Caspian North-South corridor, according to Kazakhstan’s state owned media outlet Temir Zholy.

The report states that “Within the framework of the 27th TransRussia 2023 international exhibition of transport and logistics services, a memorandum was signed between KTZ Express, RZD Logistics and Transport and Logistics Centre of Turkmenistan on the establishment of a joint venture (JV) for the development of transportation. The goal of the joint venture will be the creation of a single logistics operator on the eastern route of the North-South International Transport Corridor.

The agreement was signed by Kairat Utyapov, General Director of KTZ Express, Dmitry Murev, General Director of RZD Logistics, and Merdan Byashimov, General Director of Transport and Logistics Centre of Turkmenistan.

KTZ Express are a Kazakhstan logistics operator, while RZD Logistics are the logistics arm of Russian railways.

The parties agreed to combine their competencies to form competitive tariff rates and seamless transportation of goods from Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan to Iran, India, the countries of the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region with the participation of Aksaraiskaya, Ozinki, Bolashak, Inche-Burun, Serakhs and in the opposite direction.

Turkmenistan’s national transport company emphasized that the North-South corridor for Kazakhstan is one of the main points of growth in the development of transport and economic ties with Iran and India. According to Kazakh shippers, the obvious advantages of this land corridor through the territory of Kazakhstan are the high speed of cargo delivery and all-weather transportation.

Source: Kapital

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