The Far Eastern Economic Forum: Q&A

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Readers are invited to pose questions at this important regional event

Chris Devonshire-Ellis, the Chairman of Dezan Shira & Associates, will be attending the Far Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok from the 5-8 of September. The forum focusses on Russia’s trade, investment and development relations with the Asian region, and is an essential part of understanding the developing regional dynamics and Russia’s position within them. This takes on specific relevance this year in wake of Russia’s Pivot to Asia given the sanctions imposed upon it by the West.

Key discussions at the Forum include:


New Structure Of International Relations And The Role Of The Far East
The Role Of The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation In A Changing World
The Greater Eurasian Partnership: Pathways To Economic Development
Russia Chinese Cooperation In A New Age
Russia-India Forum
Russia-ASEAN Forum
Russia-Vietnam Forum

Supply Chains

Greater Eurasia: Seamless Logistics
BAM & The Trans-Siberian: How To Build Faster?
The Northern Sea Route: A New Delivery Chain
New Airport Infrastructure In The Far East & Arctic


Developing Russian Trade With The Asia Pacific
Tools For The Far East’s Global Competitiveness

There are also industry specific sessions on the Far East auto, shipping, shipbuilding, aviation, mining, pharma, agriculture, mariculture, forestry, ecology, and tourism sectors.

Chris will be available to ask specific questions should readers request these. Please direct them to in confidence and he will be pleased, if able, to provide a reply.

A copy of his recent ‘Russia’s Pivot To Asia’ white paper may be downloaded here.

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About Us

Chris Devonshire-Ellis is the Chairman of Dezan Shira & Associates. The firm assists British and Foreign Investment into Asia and has 28 offices throughout China, India, the ASEAN nations and Russia. For strategic and business intelligence concerning China’s Belt & Road Initiative please email or visit us at