China The Primary Destination For Uzbekistan 2022 Exports

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Uzbekistan has disclosed its main importers of goods and services in 2022. According to the Uzbek State Statistics Committee, China was the main export destination for Uzbekistan from January through December 2022, closely followed by Russia.

The remaining large exporters were: Kazakhstan, Belarus, South Korea, Türkiye, Germany, India, Brazil, and Turkmenistan.

The partner countries with a high share of Uzbekistan’s imports in 2022 were as follows:

  • China: US$6.4 billion
  • Russia: US$6.2 billion
  • Kazakhstan: US$3.2 billion
  • South Korea: US$2.3 billion
  • Türkiye: US$1.7 billion
  • Germany US$1.1 billion
  • Turkmenistan US$732 million
  • India US$655 million
  • Brazil US$553 million
  • Belarus US$410 million

As a producer of oil, natural gas, and gold and as the second largest exporter of cotton, natural resources dominate the country’s exports. Uzbekistan’s other exports include machines and equipment, and food.

The Uzbek Statistics Committee noted that the total value of goods imported by Uzbekistan amounted to over US$28.1 million in 2022, while the value of services imported during the reporting period totaled US$2.5 million. The volume of Uzbekistan’s foreign trade reached US$50.8 billion in 2022, increasing by 18.6% over 2021.

In terms of imports, Uzbekistan imported over US$28.1 million in 2022, an increase of US$4.4 million or 18.5% compared to 2021 ($23.7 million).

China is involved with several BRI projects in Uzbekistan, all designed to create better trade and supply chain connectivities. These include rail projects that would link China via Uzbekistan to the INSTC transport network through either Azerbaijan and onto Europe, or via Iran and south to the Middle East and South Asia. Uzbekistan has a comprehensive trade agreement with the EU, and a loose trade deal with China via the Eurasian Economic Union.

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