Azerbaijan-Turkiye-Turkmenistan Summit Underway

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Discussions to solidify the Middle Corridor and provide gas corridors to Europe  

The trilateral Azerbaijan-Türkiye-Turkmenistan summit is currently being held in Avasa City, on the Eastern Caspian Sea in Turkmenistan. The three countries are discussing steps to further enhance cooperation among the three countries, primarily in trade, energy, and transport.

Against the backdrop of strengthening economic and strategic relations of the Turkic states, Azerbaijan, Türkiye and Turkmenistan are also enhancing bilateral and trilateral cooperation. The current meeting will play a significant role in the development of this trilateral format. Implementing transport and transit potential is of particular importance for all three countries, with a collective goal of them becoming a global energy center.

Joint energy, transport, infrastructure, and logistics projects expand Azerbaijan’s economic opportunities. Turkmenistan has large gas reserves, part of which can be brought to the Turkish market through the Southern Gas Corridor. A major topics of today’s meeting (December 14) will be the export of Turkmen gas to European countries through Azerbaijan and Türkiye.

Azerbaijan, Türkiye and Turkmenistan will become key actors in the new energy corridor, while the summit will define the transportation of hydrocarbons, oil and natural gas from the Caspian Sea Basin to Europe and will play a crucial role in satisfying European demand for oil and natural gas.

The summit is a natural progression from the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan on January 21, 2021 in Ashgabat on the joint exploration and development of the Dostlug field’s hydrocarbon resources in the Caspian Sea. That now has new potential amidst the global energy crisis.

The Azerbaijan-Türkiye-Turkmenistan trilateral collaboration will also contribute to the strengthening of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor (TITR).

The Trans-Caspian International Transport Route starts from Southeast Asia and China, runs through Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, the Caspian sea, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkiye and further to European countries on the Black Sea.

The transport infrastructure recovery in Azerbaijan, including the opening of the Zangazur corridor, will additionally create new opportunities for diversifying Central Asia’s transport system along the East-West route, with access to international markets including the INSTC routes via Iran to the Middle east, East Africa and South-east Asia.

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