Iran Proposes New Caspian Sea Free Trade & Tourism Area

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Iran has proposed the creation of a common economic area for countries bordering the Caspian Sea. Speaking at the Second Caspian Sea Forum held in Moscow last week, Iranian First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber also suggested introducing simplified customs procedures known as a “green corridor” in the region.

“Iran supports comprehensive cooperation with neighboring nations, especially the Caspian states… In order to use the state and private [business] potential of the Caspian countries to their full extent… we suggest creating a common economic zone in the Caspian region as well as a green customs corridor,” Mokhber said.

The Russian government also said at the forum that Russia, Iran and Azerbaijan are looking to jointly develop tourism on the Caspian Sea, including passenger ship cruises.

The region includes Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan – countries rich with energy resources such as oil and gas. Russia and Iran agreed earlier this year to expand the use of their national currencies in trade.

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