Iran Completes Four Lane INSTC Highway Between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf Ports

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Khyrollah Khademi, the Deputy Minister of Iran’s Road and Urban Development, has stated that the Iran’s Construction and Development of Transportation Infrastructures Company have completed the four-lane road project in Iran’s North-South Corridor (INSTC).  

The final section of the road from Badroud to Kashan in Central Iran has been completed as part of the corridor that will connect Tehran to Bandar Abbas, he said. A total of 1.5 trillion rials (US$35 million) credit had been assigned to complete the 10 kilometers four lane road from Badroud to Kashan. The transit operation is being conducted to link Iran to other countries via the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC).

The adjacent INSTC railway corridor, which also bisects the country from the Caspian to the Persian Gulf should be completed in 2023, and will considerably enhance the connectivity between Europe, Turkiye and Russia with India and South Asia.

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