Comments on: After Trump, Putin and Xi – How the New World Trade Order Will Look in 2030 Mon, 18 Jun 2018 11:09:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Devonshire-Ellis Mon, 18 Jun 2018 11:09:46 +0000 @Jurij Kofner: Thank you for your comments. I am aware the China-EAEU FTA is non-preferential. The important thing is that it was signed. It is far easier to later make amendments to such agreements than have to renegotiate the whole thing. That FTA will evolve over time and become more product specific. The key issue is that is now in place. Remember, from shallow waters great depths can later emerge.

As for the article, well it was tongue-in-cheek, yet based upon 30 years of experience. Of course the world won’t pan out as I suggested in the article. But if it gets people, including you, talking about where global trade is possibly going and the pros and cons of the possibilities good and bad, then it will have done the job it was intended to do: stir up some debate.

By: Jurij Kofner Head, Eurasian sector, CCEIS, Higher School of Economics (Moscow) Mon, 18 Jun 2018 11:00:51 +0000 This article made a significant error from the start. The agreement between China and the EAEU is non-preferential. I.e. it does not entail lowering of tarrifs and the creation of an FTA. In fact the agreement is rather shallow in content and only outlines the procedures for the creation of working groups on specific areas of interest in the sphere of non-tarriff barriers.
